
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Cittadinanza digitale :-)

  Digital citizen




Friday, July 12, 2013

Insegnare e apprendere online / Learning and teaching online

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Dal Giamaica a Piero ? Due rampe di scale supperggiù :-P / From Jamaica to Piero? Two flights of stairs more or less ;-P


La pala Montefeltro 
di Piero della Francesca è 
alla Pinacoteca di Brera

Work in mathematics and geometry
File:Piero della Francesca 046.jpg

His deep interest in the theoretical study of perspective and his contemplative approach to his paintings are apparent in all his work. Three treatises written by Piero are known to modern mathematicians: Abacus Treatise (Trattato d'Abaco)Short Book on the Five Regular Solids (Libellus de Quinque Corporibus Regularibus) and On Perspective for Painting (De Prospectiva Pingendi). The subjects covered in these writings include arithmeticalgebra,geometry and innovative work in both solid geometry andperspective. Much of Piero’s work was later absorbed into the writing of others, notably Luca Pacioli. Piero’s work on solid geometry appears in Pacioli’s "De divina proportione", a work illustrated by Leonardo da Vinci.


Foto: He was known to be strong, known to be kind.  It's just that no-one knew who he was.  He could fly around the world, but no one could fly around his heart.  There was a sense of melancholy to feeling so different from everyone else.  There was a sense of magnificent isolation.  He could smile and wink at every man and woman he met and hide the fact that he was deeper than the bluest of seas.  He knew things that made his mind move too far away for anyone to reach him.  And he felt things, things that could kill a more ordinary man, were an ordinary man to feel them.  His need to save the world was overwhelming and yet, with no need of saving himself.  He only knew about self-sacrifice, should it come to that.  His curse was to have to hide himself from everyone.  He didn't know how to release his majestic passion.  He only knew how to let his fiery, red cape fly in the wind, as a symbol of the fire behind the ice.  Showing love became his kryptonite.  He was beginning to discover he had a spirit that was stronger than any physical power.  A spirit with the power of the most precocious pink sunrise.  He was really much, much more than a Superman.

(Photo from the Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures film, 'Man of Steel')

Sent from my iPhone

He was known to be strong, known to be kind. It's just that no-one knew who he was. He could fly around the world, but no one could fly around his heart. There was a sense of melancholy to feeling so different from everyone else. There was a sense of magnificent isolation. He could smile and wink at every man and woman he met and hide the fact that he was deeper than the bluest of seas. He knew things that made his mind move too far away for anyone to reach him. And he felt things, things that could kill a more ordinary man, were an ordinary man to feel them. His need to save the world was overwhelming and yet, with no need of saving himself. He only knew about self-sacrifice, should it come to that. His curse was to have to hide himself from everyone. He didn't know how to release his majestic passion. He only knew how to let his fiery, red cape fly in the wind, as a symbol of the fire behind the ice. Showing love became his kryptonite. He was beginning to discover he had a spirit that was stronger than any physical power. A spirit with the power of the most precocious pink sunrise. He was really much, much more than a Superman.

Anche in Italia la Tortura dovrebbe essere Reato! / Even in Italy Torture must be a Crime!

Roma, 6 luglio 2012 ... NB One year on  :-(

  • Reato di tortura,
    Amnesty International Italia scrive al ministro Severino:

    Un preciso obbligo del governo italiano da lungo tempo disatteso, con effetti pratici negativi CS82: 06/07/2012 Carlotta Sami, direttrice generale di Amnesty International Italia, ha inviato oggi una lettera al ministro della Giustizia, Paola Severino Di Benedetto, chiedendole di esercitare un ruolo fondamentale nell'assicurare che l'Italia introduca finalmente nel codice penale il reato di tortura, adottando un testo che sia in linea con il dettato della Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite contro la tortura, ossia non restrittivo rispetto alla definizione in essa contenuta. "Assicurare l'attuazione della Convenzione in tutte le sue parti, inclusa quella fondamentale di introdurre il reato di tortura nel codice penale, è un preciso obbligo del governo italiano, sinora disatteso, con effetti pratici molto negativi che non hanno mancato di farsi sentire in processi in cui le responsabilità di funzionari e agenti dello stato erano soggette ad accertamento" - si legge nella lettera al ministro Severino. Amnesty International Italia ha accolto con molto favore la ripresa della discussione in sede parlamentare della proposta di introdurre il reato di tortura nel nostro ordinamento, attualmente all'esame della Commissione Giustizia del Senato. Tuttavia, alcuni aspetti dell'ultimo testo proposto in Commissione Giustizia destano la preoccupazione dell'organizzazione per i diritti umani, come ad esempio, l'assenza degli elementi di intimidazione e coercizione tra le finalità della tortura e la sostituzione delle parole "fisiche o psichiche", contenute nella Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite contro la tortura, con il termine riduttivo "psico-fisiche". Nella lettera, Carlotta Sami ha informato il ministro Severino che l'appello sul rispetto dei diritti umani da parte delle forze di polizia, rivolto al presidente del Consiglio Monti e ai presidenti delle Camere, è stato presentato come petizione popolare sia al Senato che alla Camera nel mese di maggio, date le migliaia di firme raccolte da Amnesty International Italia.

    FINE DEL COMUNICATO Roma, 6 luglio 2012 Per approfondimenti e interviste: Amnesty International Italia - Ufficio stampa Tel. 06 4490224 - Cell. 348-6974361, e-mail:

    Even in Italy Torture must be a Crime!



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