
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ed ho pagato tutto, ONESTAMENTE! In due anni ho pagato tutta la cifra: €30324,48! // And I paid for everything, HONESTLY! In two years I paid the whole amount: € 30,324.48!

  • Riscattare la laurea - Inps
    Cosa c'è da sapere. Informazione dal sito INPS. Il riscatto del corso di laurea. Quali sono i periodi per i quali è ammesso il riscatto e quali le condizioni per ...
  • Ecco perché è inutile riscattare la laurea | Economia Web
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    21/mag/2013 - Con il riscatto degli anni di laurea, il lavoratore può ottenere, a proprie spese, i contributi previdenziali per il periodo degli studi universitari, ...
  • Il riscatto degli anni di laurea: calcolo, convenienza e deducibilità...
    31/mar/2012 - I lavoratori possono migliorare i requisiti per l'accesso alla pensione attraverso il versamento dei contributi da riscatto del corso legale dilaurea ...


    Tuesday, January 21, 2014

    Podrecca e Sobek a Bolzano / Costruire con ... intelligenza !

     Gli archistar protagonisti a Klimahouse

    Gli archistar protagonisti a Klimahouse I relatori di fama mondiale, Univ. Prof. Mag. Arch. Boris Podrecca (foto sinistra) e Prof. Ing. Werner Sobek (foto destra) presentano i loro progetti nell'ambito del Convegno CasaClima "Costruire con intelligenza"
    Organizzati dall'Agenzia CasaClima in collaborazione con Fiera Bolzano, i due convegni si svolgono venerdì 24 e sabato 25 gennaio 2014 dalle ore 9.30 alle 13.00.  Qui trovate il programma dettagliato


    Jan 20/21 '14;
    --- Wide awake, K.P.
    Things that you don't understand about youth! - YouTube 2:01
    29/lug/2013 - Caricato da Huawei Device
    Former president Moi urges youth to study
    and understand constitution
    - YouTube
    12/lug/2013 - Caricato da KTN Kenya

    Does Gen Y prefer consumer goods to ideals?
    Date November 7, 2013
    Sarah Burnside
    True believers they may not be, but Generation Y has what it takes to change the world.

    Well might one ask “what's wrong with Gen Y?” because there are many who are keen to answer. As Derek Thompson noted recently in The Atlantic, “anxious and hand-wringing newspaper column[s] about the State of Millennials” constitute “a highly competitive sub-industry of journalism”.
    One of the tropes of such articles is the assumption that people now in their teens and twenties are uniquely bereft of beliefs and ideals; that their wallets are full and their egos well-nourished while their hearts and minds are empty.
    For instance, this week on Q&A's "dangerous ideas" episode, the obligatory As A Young Person Question™ was delivered by twentysomething Emilia Terzon, who posited:

    Thursday, January 16, 2014

    Purple Triangles / Triangoli Viola: (...chi erano e cosa ricordano - Classe 1E)

    1. Purple triangle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Traduci questa pagina
      The purple triangle was a concentration camp badge used by the Nazis to identify ... and pacifists (less than one percent) were also identified by the badge. ... July 8, 1998; TheyTriumphed Over Persecution, The Watchtower March 1, 2003  ...
    1. The Schoolgirl The Nazis and The Purple Triangles - YouTube

      27/gen/2013 - Caricato da Jonny Lewis
      The Schoolgirl The Nazis and The Purple Triangles ... due to the fact that they were persecuted by the Nazis for refusing to give the Heil Hitler  ...

    2. Purple Triangles - Arnold Liebster Foundation

      Traduci questa pagina
      They were an independent group and wore the purple triangleThey were persecuted, arrested, and committed to the camps, all because of their religious  ...

    3. Auschwitz-Birkenau - Jehovah's Witnesses

      Traduci questa pagina
      Everywhere constituting a small but conspicuous group, they were among the ... prisoner classification system, Jehovah's Witnesses wore a purple triangle and  ...


    Triangoli Viola: chi erano e cosa ricordano. Classe 1E

    Durante il regime nazista, numerosi furono i gruppi perseguitati, imprigionati ed
    uccisi a causa della loro differenza o ostilità al partito nazista. Gli Ebrei furono
    sicuramente quelli che maggiormente patirono per quell’ideologia distorta ma,
    accanto a loro, tanti altri, ritenuti diversi, e per questo pericolosi, vennero
    atrocemente perseguitati: omosessuali, avversari politici, zingari, disabili ed altri
    Fin dal 1933, i Testimoni di Geova iniziarono ad essere internati; a loro fu data
    l’opportunità di essere liberati dopo aver firmato un documento nel quale
    rinnegavano la loro fede religiosa e veniva indicata la loro volontà di diventare
    soldati dell'esercito. In particolare i Testimoni di Geova si rifiutavano di usare il
    saluto “Heil Hitler!” e, quelli che erano tedeschi, decisero di rimanere neutrali nelle
    questioni politiche e militari. Per questo motivo furono perseguitati spietatamente
    dai nazisti che ne rinchiusero circa 12.000 in prigioni e campi di concentramento
    ove molti morirono.

    In Europa, durante i 12 anni del regime nazista, milioni di
    persone vennero imprigionate nei campi di concentramento. Per
    distinguere le varie categorie di prigionieri, i nazisti idearono un
    sistema di distintivi di diverso colore da portare sugli abiti.
    I Testimoni di Geova, unico gruppo perseguitato unicamente a
    motivo delle proprie convinzioni religiose già dal 1933,
    ricevettero dai nazisti un triangolo di stoffa viola.

    Ogni testimone di Geova deportato aveva un triangolo viola sulla sua uniforme.
    Cosa rappresentava? Le varie categorie di internati nei campi nazisti portavano
    speciali segni di riconoscimento, prima della guerra fu introdotto un sistema di
    riconoscimento che consisteva in un pezzo di tessuto colorato sull’uniforme di ogni
    internato. Il colore dipendeva dal gruppo a cui apparteneva il prigioniero: rosso per i
    prigionieri politici, viola per i Testimoni di Geova, nero per gli asociali, verde per i
    criminali, rosa per gli omosessuali, blu per gli immigrati. Alle uniformi dei prigionieri
    ebrei venivano cuciti due triangoli gialli sovrapposti in modo tale da formare una
    stella: la stella di Davide a sei punte.

    Il prof. John K. Roth, in un suo libro sulla persecuzione nazista dei testimoni di
    Geova, ha commentato: “Se il suo significato dal punto di vista morale non sarà
    dimenticato, il triangolo viola continuerà ad essere uno scudo contro la barbarie,
    oltre a ricordarci che abbiamo la responsabilità di coltivare il bene che più di ogni
    altro merita di essere apprezzato dai nostri simili.”
    Alessandra Ciaccio
    Roberta Ciaccio.
    Classe 1° E


    Claudio Vercelli, Triangoli viola. Le persecuzioni e le deportazione dei testimoni diGeova nei Lager nazisti, Roma, Carocci, 2011, 181 pp.,

    Il volume di Claudio Vercelli, storico dell'Istituto “Gaetano Salvemini” di Torino, colma una lacuna presente nel panorama storiografico italiano: l'assenza di lavori sulla persecuzione dei testimoni diGeova durante il nazismo. L'A., studioso del conflitto israelo-palestinese e degli “olocausti” nazisti,ha deciso di soffermarsi sulle sorti di una minoranza religiosa che in Italia paga ancora il fio di unimmaginario cattolico negativo, ma che ha “testimoniato” appieno le velleità nichilistiche etotalitarie del nazionalsocialismo.  [...]

    Vincenzo Pinto 


    TestimonianzeChi volesse segnalarci ulteriori testimonianze può farlo contattando la nostra redazione attraverso l'apposito modulo.

    Rhoden E. Cardiff, deportato politico a Dachau e Buchenwald.Maria Hauswirth, deportata politica a Ravensbrück.Anonimo, deportato politico Sachsenburg.
    Raya Kagan, deportata politica ebrea ad Auschwitz.Anonimo, ebreo deportato a Buchenwald.Erich Friedlander, ebreo ricercato.
    Inge Deutschkron, ebrea ricercata.Ilse Rolfe, deportata politica a Moringen.Albert Schmidt, deportato politico a Sachsenhausen.
    Genevieve De Gaulle, deportata politica a Ravensbrück.Aldo Bizzarri, deportato politico a Mauthausen.Anna Pawelczynska, sopravvissuta ad Auschwitz
    Tibor Wohl - deportato ebreo ad AuschwitzRudolf Höss - Ex-comandante nazista ad AuschwitzPaolo Soldano - Presidente della Associazione Ex Internati, sezione di Racconigi (Cuneo)
    Eric Johe - Storia di un bambino sopravvissuto.  Mirror  LocaleMax Liebster : Storia di un ebreo sopravvissuto . Mirror LocaleDorota Wind - deportata ebreo polacca .
    Wernet Fett -  deportata tedesca.
    Durante gli incontri sulla persecuzione nazista dei testimoni di Geova, sindaci, assessori, giornalisti, storici, politici, docenti universitari, associazioni di ex deportati e associazioni culturali,hanno espresso commenti significativi su questo aspetto poco conosciuto dell’Olocausto. E' possibile leggere tali dichiarazioni .


    Domani è perfetto (Italian Edition) Paperback – January 3, 2013

    Domani è perfetto è il primo romanzo di Francesco Salvo. Basato su una storia vera, narra di una ragazza, Ilse, una testimone di Geova che si trova ad affrontare l'atroce esperienza della detenzione nel campo di concentramento di Ravensbrück, in Germania, durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Rinchiusa a motivo della sua fede, Ilse si confronterà con una realtà fatta di torture, privazioni e duro lavoro. Ma riuscirà a trovare delle motivazioni per aggrapparsi alla vita anche in un luogo da cui molti non hanno fatto ritorno.

    Insegnare la costanza / Teaching perseverance

    Monday, January 13, 2014

    Wednesday, January 8, 2014

    #Today?Art! - Scrive di Gesú al suo amico Émile - #Chi?VanGogh!


    Vincent Van Gogh
    Emile Bernard


    In a Letter to Emil Bernard on June 26,1888 van Gogh wrote, “Christ alone, of all the philosophers, magicians, etc., has affirmed eternal life as the most important certainty, the infinity of time, the futility of death, the necessity and purpose of serenity and devotion. He lived serenely, as an artist greater than all other artists, scorning marble and clay and paint, working in the living flesh. In other words, this peerless artist, scarcely conceivable with the blunt instrument of our modern, nervous and obtuse brains, made neither statues nor paintings nor books. He maintained in no uncertain terms that he made…living men, immortals.” [...]

    §§§§§§§§§§§§ e ancora

    Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Emile Bernard
    Arles, 23 June 1888

    My dear Bernard,
    You do very well to be reading the Bible. I begin with that, because I have always refrained from advising you to do so. As I read the many sayings of Moses, Luke, etc., I couldn't help thinking, you know, that's all he needs - and now it has come to pass…the artistic neurosis. For that is what the study of Christ inevitably leads to, especially in my case, where it is aggravated by the smoking of innumerable pipes.
    The Bible is Christ, for the Old Testament leads to that culmination. Paul and the evangelists stand on the other slope of the holy mountain.
    How small-minded the old story really is! My God! Does the world consist solely of Jews, who declare from the very start that all those who are different from them are impure?
    Why didn't the other nations under the great sun over there, the Egyptians, the Indians, the Ethiopians, Babylon and Nineveh, record their annals with the same care? Well, anyway, the study of it is beautiful, and, after all, being able to read everything would be tantamount to not being able to read at all.
    But the consolation of that deeply saddening Bible, which arouses our despair and indignation, which seriously offends us and thoroughly confuses us with its pettiness and infectious foolishness - the consolation it contains like a stone inside a hard rind and bitter pulp, is Christ.
    Only Delacroix and Rembrandt have painted the face of Christ in such a way that I can feel him…and then Millet painted…the teachings of Christ.
    The rest rather makes me laugh, the rest of religious painting - from the religious point of view, not from the point of view of painting. And the Italian primitives - Botticelli, or let's say the Flemish primitives, Van Eyck, the German, Cranach - they are no more than heathens who only interest me for the same reason as do the Greeks, Velásquez and so many other naturalists.
    Christ alone, of all the philosophers, magicians, etc., has affirmed eternal life as the most important certainty, the infinity of time, the futility of death, the necessity and purpose of serenity and devotion. He lived serenely, as an artist greater than all other artists, scorning marble and clay and paint, working in the living flesh. In other words, this peerless artist, scarcely conceivable with the blunt instrument of our modern, nervous and obtuse brains, made neither statues nor paintings nor books. He maintained in no uncertain terms that he made…living men, immortals.
    That is a profoundly serious matter, the more so as it is the truth.
    Nor did this great artist write books. Christian literature as a whole would undoubtedly have aroused his ire, and includes very few literary works beyond Luke's Gospel or Paul's epistles - so simple in their austere and militant form - that would have found favour in his eyes.
    This great artist - Christ - although he did not concern himself with writing books on ideas (sensations), felt considerably less disdain for the spoken word, and for parables in particular (what a sower, what a harvest, what a fig tree! etc.).
    And who would dare claim that he lied on that day when, scornfully predicting the destruction of Rome, he said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”
    These spoken words - which, like a prodigal grand seigneur, he did not even deign to write down - form one of the pinnacles, the highest pinnacle, reached by art, which at that point becomes creative force, pure creative force.
    These thoughts, Bernard, dear friend, lead us far, very far, afield, they raise us above art itself. They give us a glimpse of the art of life-creation, the art of being immortal and alive. They are bound up with painting. The patron saint of painters - Luke, physician, painter, evangelist - who has as a symbol, alas, nothing more than an ox, gives us hope.
    Yet our own life is a modest one indeed, our life as painters, languishing under the back-breaking yoke of the problems of a calling that is almost too hard to practise on this ungrateful planet, where “love of art drives out true love.”
    However, since nothing confutes the assumption that lines and forms and colours exist on innumerable other planets and suns as well, we are at liberty to feel fairly serene about the possibilities of painting in a better and different existence, an existence altered by a phenomenon that is perhaps no more ingenious and no more surprising than the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly or of a grub into a maybug.
    The existence of a painter-butterfly would be played out on the countless celestial bodies which, after death, should be no more inaccessible to us than the black dots on maps that symbolize towns and villages are in our earthly lives.
    Science - scientific reasoning - strikes me as being an instru-ment that will go a very long way in the future.
    For look: people used to think that the earth was flat. That was true, and still is today, of, say, Paris to Asnières.
    But that does not alter the fact that science demonstrates that the earth as a whole is round, something nobody nowadays disputes.
    For all that, people still persist in thinking that life is flat and runs from birth to death.
    But life, too, is probably round, and much greater in scope and possibilities than the hemisphere we now know.
    Future generations will probably be able to enlighten us on this very interesting subject, and then science itself - with all due respect - may reach conclusions that are more or less in keeping with Christ's sayings about the other half of our life.
    Be that as it may, the fact is that we are painters in real life, and it's a matter of continuing to draw breath while one has breath left in one's body.
    Oh, what a beautiful picture that is by Eug. Delacroix, Christ in the Boat on the Sea of Gennesaret! He - with his pale lemon-yellow aureole, sleeping, luminous in the dramatic purple, dark-blue, blood-red patch of the group of bewildered disciples - on that terrible emerald-green sea, rising, rising, right to the top of the frame. Ah, what an inspired conception! 
    What I've been doing looks very ugly - a drawing of a seated Zouave, a painted sketch of the Zouave against a completely white wall, and finally his portrait against a green door and some orange bricks in a wall. It is harsh, and taking it all in all, ugly and unsuccessful. Yet, because I was tackling a real difficulty with it, it may pave the way for the future.
    Nearly all the figures I do look abominable in my own eyes, let alone the eyes of others. Yet the study of the figure is the most useful of all, provided one does it in a different way from that taught at, for instance, Monsieur Benjamin Constant's.
    Your letter pleased me very much, the sketch 1 is very, very interesting, and I thank you very much for it. One of these days I shall be sending you a drawing of mine.
    Tell me, do you remember the John the Baptist by Puvis? I find it staggeringly beautiful and as magical as Eugene Delacroix.
    The passage about John the Baptist you tracked down in the Gospel means exactly what you have read in it… people crowding round a man: “Are you the Christ? Are you Elias?” As would happen today if you were to ask of impressionism or of one of its questing representatives, “Have you found it yet?” Exactly the same.
    My brother is holding an exhibition of Claude Monets, 10 paintings done in Antibes from February to May, apparently it's all very beautiful.
    Have you ever read the life of Luther? Because Cranach, Dürer, Holbein belong with him. He - his personality - is the shining light of the Middle Ages.
    I don't like the Sun King any more than you do - that Louis XIV was rather a killjoy, it seems to me - my God, what an utter bore that Methodist Solomon was. I don't like Solomon either and Methodists not at all. Solomon strikes me as a hypocritical heathen. I have really no respect for his architecture, an imitation of other styles, and none at all for his writings, for the heathens have done better.
    Do tell me how things are going with your military service. Do you want me to speak to that second lieutenant in the Zouaves or not? Are you going to Africa or not? Do the years in Africa count double in your case or not? Try to make sure above all that your blood is all right - anaemia doesn't get you very far and your painting slows right down. You must try to acquire an iron constitution, a constitution that will allow you to grow old, you ought to live like a monk who goes to the brothel every two weeks - that's what I do myself, it isn't very poetic, but I feel it's my duty to subordinate my life to painting.
    With a handshake, and once again thanks for your letter and your sketch,
    Ever yours, Vincent
    P.S. The sonnets are doing well - that is to say, their colour is fine; the drawing is less strong, or rather less sure, the drawing is still hesitant - I don't know how to express it - their moral purpose is not clear.
    1. Brothel Scene.

    At this time, Vincent was 35 year old
    Vincent van Gogh. Letter to Emile Bernard. Written 23 June 1888 in Arles. Translated by Mrs. Johanna van Gogh-Bonger, edited by Robert Harrison, number B08.

    This letter may be freely used, in accordance with the terms of this site.

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