La Villa di Monticello - Albermale County (Virginia - USA)
La villa di Monticello è la prima opera progettata da Thomas Jefferson ad Albermale County in Virginia dove l'architetto, meglio noto come terzo Presidente degli Stati Uniti, era nato e divenne la sua residenza.La cronologia di questa villa è lunga e complessa e si può suddividere in due momenti ben precisi: quello palladiano dal 1769 al 1782 e quello francese dal 1796 al 1809.
Sembra che Jefferson possedesse ben 5 edizioni dei I Quattro Libri dell'Architettura di Palladio, che lui definiva la sua bible e che pare citasse l'architetto italiano con l'aggettivo Master.
La residenza del Presidente Jefferson fu individuata fin da subito con il nomignolo italiano di Monticello perchè si trova proprio su una piccola montagna perfettamente integrata con l'ambiente naturale rispettando dunque i canoni palladiani anche nel rapporto villa e paesaggio.
E' stata inserita, con l'Università della Virginia, nella Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dell'Unesco nel 1987.
Monticello will be closed on Monday, February 10 2014
Monticello, the House
Monticello is the autobiographical masterpiece of Thomas
Jefferson—designed and redesigned and built and rebuilt for more than
forty years—and its gardens were a botanic showpiece, a source of food,
and an experimental laboratory of ornamental and useful plants from
around the world.

House FAQ


Monticello Explorer

House Image Gallery
House FAQ
Frequently asked questions and reports about the architecture, rooms, and furnishings of the main house and its dependencies.
Get a glimpse of the world Jefferson and his family inhabited by going room-by-room.
Monticello Explorer
A Flash-based tour of the main house with 3-D
models, special animations, in-depth information on the people, spaces,
and places of Monticello.
House Image Gallery
Interior and exterior images of Monticello's main house.
For Immediate Release
February 04, 2014
Visit to Monticello by President Obama and President
Hollande of France
Since the time of
our founding fathers, the United States and France have been allies and
friends. To mark this historic partnership, President Obama and President
Hollande of France will tour Monticello on Monday, February 10, as part of the
State Visit. As the residence of Thomas Jefferson, one of the United
States’ earliest envoys to France, Monticello reflects Jefferson’s affection
for the people of France, the long-standing relations between our two
democracies, and the shared values we hold dear: life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness. President Obama looks forward to sharing this piece
of our shared history with President Hollande.
French leader opens unusual state visit to US
By JOSH LEDERMAN, Associated Press
Updated 11:32 pm, Monday, February 10, 2014
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President Barack Obama, center, and French President Francois Hollande, left, tour the grounds of Monticello, President Thomas Jefferson's estate, Monday, Feb. 10, 2014, in Charlottesville, Va. Leading the tour is Leslie Bowman, right, president of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation. Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais, AP
Standing together in Monticello's grand foyer, Obama said the elegant home represents "the incredible bond and the incredible gifts that France gave us."
The two leaders arrived in Charlottesville. Va., Monday afternoon after a short flight from Washington. Traveling together in Obama's armored limousine, the presidential motorcade then wound its way through the rolling hills toward the white and brick mansion, with its signature crowning dome.
As the two presidents — both wearing overcoats on a chilly February day — strolled along the estate's portico, Obama declared, "This is a wonderful visit."
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