[ Verificare la firma digitale di un file in formato .p7m ]
4 ... L'unica modalità di sottoscrizione ritenuta accettabile è quella in formato pkcs#7, meglio noto comep7m.
What is a P7M file?
Files that contain the .p7m file extension hold encrypted email messages. The P7M file format is a container format and the contents and the attachments of the encrypted email message are enveloped into the encrypted P7M file.
Oftentimes a user must have a private key installed into their email client in order to open the P7M files that they receive. The private key will match the message's public key so that the user can open the P7M file. This private key is static and does not change so that a user does not have to enter new information to open each P7M file they receive.
The P7M file format implements the Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension standard (S/MIME).
Software that will open or convert P7M files
 | Program has been verified by to open P7M files. |
 | Every day, thousands of users submit information to us about which programs they use to open certain types of files. Our users primarily use the above programs to open P7M files. |
Try a universal file viewer
In addition to the products listed above, I would suggest that you try a universal file viewer like
Free File Viewer. It can open almost 100 different types of files - and very likely yours too »
Free Download.
Il documento inviato deve essere in formato .pdf oppure .pdf firmato (.p7m), per motivi di leggibilità e per garantire la sua immodificabilità.
Hai visitato questa pagina in data 23/03/14
S/MIME, acronimo di Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions è uno standard per la crittografia a chiave pubblica e la firma digitale di messaggi di posta ...
S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is a standard for public key encryption and signing of MIME data. S/MIME is on an IETF standards track ...
22/nov/2012 - Per accedere in modifica al wiki devi chiedere per email scrivendo a .... Thunderbird abbia problemi nel mostrare allegati firmati .p7m, per la ... › Indice › Informatica ed Internet › Applicazioni Varie
06/mar/2009 - 2 post - 2 autori
Ciao a tutti. Mi stanno arrivando documenti in formato pdf.P7M. dove posso trovare un programma gratuito per aprirli? Grazie, Giada.