The 2013 theme for the event, the single biggest day for positive action on the environment worldwide, is Think.Eat.Save. Reduce Your Foodprint – building on the global campaign of the same name to reduce food waste and loss launched earlier this year by UNEP, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and partners.
WED 2013
which is prioritizing a Green Economy shift across its big economic
sectors such as mining and promoting environmental awareness among
youth, is to host this year’s World Environment Day (WED) celebrations
on June 5, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) announced today.
The 2013 theme for the event, the single biggest day for positive action on the environment worldwide, is Think.Eat.Save. Reduce Your Foodprint
– building on the global campaign of the same name to reduce food
waste and loss launched earlier this year by UNEP, the Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) and partners.
- See more at:
- See more at:
which is prioritizing a Green Economy shift across its big economic
sectors such as mining and promoting environmental awareness among
youth, is to host this year’s World Environment Day (WED) celebrations
on June 5, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) announced today.
The 2013 theme for the event, the single biggest day for positive action on the environment worldwide, is Think.Eat.Save. Reduce Your Foodprint
– building on the global campaign of the same name to reduce food
waste and loss launched earlier this year by UNEP, the Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) and partners.
- See more at:
- See more at:
Cinemambiente TvCinemambiente TourGreen Film Network
Aspettando Cinemambiente 2013,
cinque appuntamenti a Torino
Venerdì 24 Maggio, ore 21,30
PAV – Parco Arte Vivente
Via Giordano Bruno, 31 - Torino
“78 Days” di Jason Nardella Canada, 2011, 62'
La vita di alcuni piantatori d’alberi dell’Alberta settentrionale, in Canada, durante una stagione lunga settantotto giorni. Un lavoro che richiama centinaia di persone da tutto il paese. Soli in mezzo al nulla, riuniti in scomodi campeggi, costretti a resistere al sole, alla pioggia, alla neve, oltre a dover affrontare la presenza degli orsi, l’incessante ronzio delle mosche, gli acquitrini e il fango, i tredici piantatori stagionali, veterani del mestiere del rimboschimento al saldo di compagnie che li legano a contratti senza fine, sfidano e insieme aiutano la natura, seguendo i suoi ritmi immutabili e adattandosi fisicamente e mentalmente a un’esistenza lontano dalla civiltà.
“Bikpela Bagarap” di David Fedele Australia Nuova Guinea, 2011, 43'
Il drammatico retroscena dei massicci diboscamenti nella giungla della Papua Nuova Guinea legato alla locale industria del legno. Un racconto di sfruttamento e di promesse non mantenute, girato in modo semiclandestino in una terra in cui le popolazioni indigene sono trattate come cittadini di seconda categoria dalle compagnie malesi e dai politici corrotti. I legittimi proprietari di terre ancestra- li sono costretti a firmare documenti che non capiscono, ingannati dalla prospettiva inattesa di avere acqua fresca, medicinali e pro- grammi educativi. Al contrario, ciò che resta sono solo territori di caccia distrutti, riserve d’acqua inquinate e uno stile di vita rovinato per sempre.
Giovedì 27 Maggio, ore 21,00
Cecchi Point
Via Cecchi, 17 - Torino
“The Big Fix” di Josh e Rebecca Tickell, USA Francia, 2011, 88'
Il 22 aprile 2010, in seguito a un incidente alla piattaforma Deepwater Horizon della compagnia britannica Bp, centinaia di migliaia di litri di petrolio hanno cominciato a riversarsi nelle acque del Golfo del Messico, causando uno dei più gravi disastri ambientali di tutti i tempi. Ripercorrendo la storia della società, e grazie alle interviste con scienziati, esperti e gli abitanti delle zone colpite dalla marea nera (una vasta area tra Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama e Florida), emergono quindi la fitta rete di corruzione e interessi che regola il sistema d’estrazione del petrolio e le gravi inadempienze nella gestione dell’emergenza.
Martedì 28 Maggio, ore 21,00
Via Cavagnolo, 7 - Torino
"Surviving Progress" di Mathieu Roy, Harold Crooks Canada , 2011, 86’
Dall’uomo di Neanderthal ai Maya, passando per i Sumeri e l’Impero Romano, la storia è contraddistinta da veri e propri crolli che hanno causato la distruzione di intere civiltà. E spesso il motivo principale è un rapido progresso tecnologico, in grado di sopperire nell’immediato ai bisogni primari, ma anche di compromettere ogni prospet- tiva futura: uno scenario in cui rientra perfettamente il mondo contemporaneo. Grazie alle testimonianze di personalità come Stephen Hawking o Ronald Wright (dal cui volume A Short History of Progress il film è ispirato), scopriamo così quanto siamo vicini a un nuovo collasso, forse definitivo, e quali possono essere le possibili alternative.
Mercoledì 29 Maggio, ore 21,00
Corso Regina Margherita, 27 - Torino
I cortometraggi di CinemAmbiente
“A declaration of interdependence - Una dichiarazione di interdipendenza” di Tiffany Shlain, 2011, 4’
“Oh Willy” di Emma de Swaef, Marc James Roels, 2102, 17’
“Une petite histoire des changements climatiques - A brief history of climate change - una breve storia dei cambiamenti climatici” di Joris Clerté, 2012, 2’
“Tastes like chicken? - Sa di pollo?” di Quico Meirelles, 2012, 15’
“Veggie propaganda - Propaganda vegetariana” di Kristen Palan, 2011, 6’
“We'll become oil - Diventeremo petrolio” di Mihai Grecu, 2011, 8’
“We miss you - Ci manchi” di Hanna Maria Heidrich, 2011, 3’
Giovedì 30 Maggio, ore 21,30
Via Panetti 1 (Parco Colonnetti)
"Chasing Ice" di Jeff Orlowski USA , 2012, 75’
Primavera 2007. Il fotografo di “National Geographic” James Balog, scettico sui foschi scenari legati al cambiamento climatico descritti da tanti scienziati, decide di partire alla volta del Polo Nord alla ricerca di immagini che mostrino in modo lampante i danni provocati dal riscaldamento globale. Il risultato sarà un reportage tra i più letti nella storia della rivista, ma anche l’avvio dell’Extreme Ice Survey, il più importante progetto fotografico incentrato sui ghiacciai mai concepito, in grado inoltre di registrare i mutamenti annuali non solo dell’ambiente artico, ma di tutto il pianeta. La canzone Before My Time è cantata da Scarlett Johansson.
19/05/2013, 08:55
Carlo Griseri
Nairobi, February 22 2013
– Mongolia, which is prioritizing a Green Economy shift across its big
economic sectors such as mining and promoting environmental awareness
among youth, is to host this year’s World Environment Day (WED)
celebrations on June 5, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) announced
The 2013 theme for the event, the single biggest day for positive action on the environment worldwide, is Think.Eat.Save. Reduce Your Foodprint
– building on the global campaign of the same name to reduce food
waste and loss launched earlier this year by UNEP, the Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) and partners.
UNEP made the announcement during the close of its first Governing Council session under universal membership, where hundreds of environment ministers, senior UN officials, and civil society representatives met to discuss some of the most-pressing environmental issues of the day, including food waste as part of the transition to a low-carbon, resource-efficient future.
Mongolia’s President Tsakhia Elbegdorj was named as one of six recipients of UNEP’s Champions of the Earth 2012 award for leadership that had a positive impact on the environment.
- See more at:
UNEP made the announcement during the close of its first Governing Council session under universal membership, where hundreds of environment ministers, senior UN officials, and civil society representatives met to discuss some of the most-pressing environmental issues of the day, including food waste as part of the transition to a low-carbon, resource-efficient future.
Mongolia’s President Tsakhia Elbegdorj was named as one of six recipients of UNEP’s Champions of the Earth 2012 award for leadership that had a positive impact on the environment.
- See more at:
Nairobi, February 22 2013
– Mongolia, which is prioritizing a Green Economy shift across its big
economic sectors such as mining and promoting environmental awareness
among youth, is to host this year’s World Environment Day (WED)
celebrations on June 5, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) announced
The 2013 theme for the event, the single biggest day for positive action on the environment worldwide, is Think.Eat.Save. Reduce Your Foodprint
– building on the global campaign of the same name to reduce food
waste and loss launched earlier this year by UNEP, the Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) and partners.
UNEP made the announcement during the close of its first Governing Council session under universal membership, where hundreds of environment ministers, senior UN officials, and civil society representatives met to discuss some of the most-pressing environmental issues of the day, including food waste as part of the transition to a low-carbon, resource-efficient future.
Mongolia’s President Tsakhia Elbegdorj was named as one of six recipients of UNEP’s Champions of the Earth 2012 award for leadership that had a positive impact on the environment.
- See more at:
UNEP made the announcement during the close of its first Governing Council session under universal membership, where hundreds of environment ministers, senior UN officials, and civil society representatives met to discuss some of the most-pressing environmental issues of the day, including food waste as part of the transition to a low-carbon, resource-efficient future.
Mongolia’s President Tsakhia Elbegdorj was named as one of six recipients of UNEP’s Champions of the Earth 2012 award for leadership that had a positive impact on the environment.
- See more at:
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