Enciclopedia Italiana (1936)
di Fausto Franco
SERLIANA. - Particolare tipo di trifora, con l'apertura centrale ad arco, le due laterali trabeate: così denominata da Sebastiano Serlio a cui è dovuta la pubblicazione e la diffusione di questo schema strutturale e decorativo. La serliana, sorta nel primo quarto del secolo XVI, ebbe grande rigoglio nell'architettura del Sansovino e del Palladio, e fiorì poi specialmente nell'arte veneta del Sei e del Settecento.

Palazzo Tè, Mantova (Italy)
In the US, a hallmark of colonial architecture was the Palladian window:
This is basically a larger, arched center window with flanking rectangular windows separated by pilasters or at least trim. In Europe this is most commonly known as a serliana, a name derived from Sebastiano Serlio whose architectural treatise describes its origins from ancient Roman triumphal arches.
However, like many classical architecture motifs, Palladio is credited largely because his work was so admired and frankly copied by so many English architects of the next few centuries, especially Robert Adam and Inigo Jones. Jones was particularly interested in Palladio’s villas as models for the large English country estates he was working on at the time. That the British Empire soon flourished and spread across the world accounts for the ubiquitous of Palladianism from all far-flung colonies like India and the US.
M. Gerwing Architects
Boulder, Denver, Chicago
Mark Alan Gerwing
Boulder, Denver, Chicago
Mark Alan Gerwing
M. Gerwing Architects
2401 N. Broadway
Boulder, CO 80304
2401 N. Broadway
Boulder, CO 80304
Sebastiano Serlio
Sebastiano Serlio è stato un architetto e teorico dell'architettura italiano,
deve la sua fama al trattato I Sette libri dell'architettura
deve la sua fama al trattato I Sette libri dell'architettura
che ebbero una larghissima diffusione contribuendo a diffondere ...
Capolavori di Sebastiano Serlio
Sebastiano Serlio (1475 - 1554) fu un architetto e teorico dell'architettura del rinascimento italiano.
Si era recato a Roma nel 1514 c., rimanendovi fino al sacco come allievo di Baldassarre Peruzzi, che gli fornì piante e disegni da lui ampiamente impiegati nel trattato. Fu poi a Venezia fino al 1540 e poi partì per la Francia dove era stato chiamato da Francesco I.
Il Trattato I Sette libri dell’architettura di Sebastiano Serlio bolognese
Fu il primo trattato di architettura il cui scopo fosse più pratico che teorico, ed il primo a codificare i 5 ordini. Diffuse il linguaggio di Bramante e Raffaello in tutta Europa, offrendo un vasto repertorio di motivi. I disegni fantastici, specie di portali bugnati, nelle ultime parti del trattato vennero spesso imitati dagli architetti manieristi.
Principali Opere
- Château di Fontainebleau in Francia;
- Hôtel de Ferrare a Parigi (“Grande Ferrare”) (1544-46, distrutto salvo il portale) che fissò in Francia, per oltre un secolo, la forma standard dell’Hôtel particulier.
Château d’Ancy-le-Franc

I-IV Widmung
V-VI Sonetto del Signor Lodovico Roncone
VII-XLVI Indice Copiosissimo
1r-16v Libro primo d'architettvra ...,
17r-48v Il secondo libro di prospettiva (Falsche Paginierung ab Seite 25r)
49r-124v Il terzo libro ...,
125r-200v Regole generali di architettvra
201r-219v Quinto libro d'architettvra ...,
1r-27v Libro estraordinario ...,
Il settimo libro d'architettvra
(papers) Ethics & Aesthetics:
the role of early illustrations in Serlio’s Book of Antiquities
I-IV Widmung
V-VI Sonetto del Signor Lodovico Roncone
VII-XLVI Indice Copiosissimo
1r-16v Libro primo d'architettvra ...,
17r-48v Il secondo libro di prospettiva (Falsche Paginierung ab Seite 25r)
49r-124v Il terzo libro ...,
125r-200v Regole generali di architettvra
201r-219v Quinto libro d'architettvra ...,
1r-27v Libro estraordinario ...,
Il settimo libro d'architettvra
(papers) Ethics & Aesthetics:
the role of early illustrations in Serlio’s Book of Antiquities
Today the way we grasp, perceive and spread architectural information most of the time is related with a visual experience. “Seeing comes before words. The child looks and recognize before it can speak.”(1) Architects need images to nourish their knowledge and to allow dialogue between peers. We consume images to comprehend information from drawings, sketches, diagrams, photography or any other kind of media. The image has been thus a crucial issue in the manner we communicate, not only between colleagues, but also with the people. We acknowledge images intrinsically as part of the architectural speech from our history
Serlio’s treatise on architecture undoubtedly set a precedent in the way this discipline was taught through early printed books, since its first appearance in 1547.
[ (papers) Ethics & Aesthetics: the role of early illustrations in Serlio’s Book of Antiquities
1 Berger, John. Modos de ver. GG, Barcelona. 2000, pp.13
2 Only one building presented was part of a project Serlio interpreted from Poggio Reale. In this, Serlio designs an improved version of this building.
3 Serlio, S., Hart, V., & Hicks, P. Sebastiano Serlio on architecture. New Haven, Conn: Yale, 1996, pp. 97
4 Rowe, Colin, and Leon G. Satkowski. Italian Architecture of the 16th Century. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2002. Print, pp.128
5 Carpo, M. Architecture in the age of printing: Orality, writing, typography, and printed images in the history of architectural theory. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2001, p.64.
6 Hart, Vaughan & Hicks, Peter: On Sebastiano Serlio: Decorum and the art of architectural invention. Paper Palaces: The Rise of the Renaissance Architectural Treatise. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998, pp.156
7 Luscombe, Desley. The Architect and the Representation of Architecture: Sebastiano Serlio's Frontispiece to Il ferzo libro. Architectural Theory Review, 2005, 10:2, pp.36
8 Ibid, pp.39
9 Serlio, S., Hart, V., & Hicks, P. 1996, pp. xvi
10 Pérez, G. A., & Pelletier, L. Architectural representation and the perspective hinge. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1997, p.22.
11 Rowe, Colin, and Leon G. Satkowski. 2002, pp.155
12 Onians, J. Bearers of meaning: The classical orders in antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1988, pp.263
13 Ibid, pp.263
14 Ibid, pp.268
15 Ibid, pp.264
16 Pérez, G. A., & Pelletier, L. 1997, pp.22
17 Saiber, A. Giordano Bruno and the geometry of language. Aldershot, Hampshire, England: Ashgate, 2005, pp.76
18 Dinsmoor, W. B. The Literary Remains of Sebastiano Serlio. Art Bulletin, 1942, 24, 1, pp.65
19 Onians, J. 1988, pp.266
20 Ibid, pp.271
21 Rowe, Colin, and Leon G. Satkowski. 2002, pp.128
22 Luscombe, Desley. 2005, pp.36
23 Hart, Vaughan: Serlio and the representation of architecture. Paper Palaces: The Rise of the Renaissance Architectural Treatise. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998, pp. 171
24 Serlio, S., Hart, V., & Hicks, P. 1996, pp. xx
25 Hart, Vaughan. 1998, pp.171
26 Onians, J. 1988, pp.269
27 Serlio, S., Hart, V., & Hicks, P. 1996, p. xx.
28 Hart, Vaughan. 1998, pp.179
29 Luscombe, Desley. 2005, pp.43
30 Ibid, pp.44
31 Serlio, S., Hart, V., & Hicks, P. 1996, pp. xxiii
32 Onians, J. 1988, pp.271
33 Luscombe, Desley. 2005, pp.38
34 Ibid, pp.45
35 Sontag, Susan; Sobre la fotografía. Edhasa, Barcelona, 1981, pp.33
36 Serlio, S., Hart, V., & Hicks, P. 1996, p. xxxi
37 Hart, Vaughan & Hicks, Peter. 1998, pp.56
38 Barthes, Roland; Lo obvio y lo obtuso. Paidos, Barcelona, 1986, pp.35
39 Dondis, D. A.; La sintaxis de la imagen. GG, Barcelona, 2003, pp.23
40 Benjamin, Walter; Discursos Interrumpidos I. Taurus, Madrid, 1972, pp.20
41 Frampton, Kenneth; Impresiones de edificios. Arquitecturas editadas. Arquitectura Viva nº 12, 1990: 6
42 Barthes, Roland; La Torre Eiffel. Paidos, Barcelona, 2001, pp.92
1 Berger, John. Modos de ver. GG, Barcelona. 2000, pp.13
2 Only one building presented was part of a project Serlio interpreted from Poggio Reale. In this, Serlio designs an improved version of this building.
3 Serlio, S., Hart, V., & Hicks, P. Sebastiano Serlio on architecture. New Haven, Conn: Yale, 1996, pp. 97
4 Rowe, Colin, and Leon G. Satkowski. Italian Architecture of the 16th Century. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2002. Print, pp.128
5 Carpo, M. Architecture in the age of printing: Orality, writing, typography, and printed images in the history of architectural theory. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2001, p.64.
6 Hart, Vaughan & Hicks, Peter: On Sebastiano Serlio: Decorum and the art of architectural invention. Paper Palaces: The Rise of the Renaissance Architectural Treatise. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998, pp.156
7 Luscombe, Desley. The Architect and the Representation of Architecture: Sebastiano Serlio's Frontispiece to Il ferzo libro. Architectural Theory Review, 2005, 10:2, pp.36
8 Ibid, pp.39
9 Serlio, S., Hart, V., & Hicks, P. 1996, pp. xvi
10 Pérez, G. A., & Pelletier, L. Architectural representation and the perspective hinge. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1997, p.22.
11 Rowe, Colin, and Leon G. Satkowski. 2002, pp.155
12 Onians, J. Bearers of meaning: The classical orders in antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1988, pp.263
13 Ibid, pp.263
14 Ibid, pp.268
15 Ibid, pp.264
16 Pérez, G. A., & Pelletier, L. 1997, pp.22
17 Saiber, A. Giordano Bruno and the geometry of language. Aldershot, Hampshire, England: Ashgate, 2005, pp.76
18 Dinsmoor, W. B. The Literary Remains of Sebastiano Serlio. Art Bulletin, 1942, 24, 1, pp.65
19 Onians, J. 1988, pp.266
20 Ibid, pp.271
21 Rowe, Colin, and Leon G. Satkowski. 2002, pp.128
22 Luscombe, Desley. 2005, pp.36
23 Hart, Vaughan: Serlio and the representation of architecture. Paper Palaces: The Rise of the Renaissance Architectural Treatise. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998, pp. 171
24 Serlio, S., Hart, V., & Hicks, P. 1996, pp. xx
25 Hart, Vaughan. 1998, pp.171
26 Onians, J. 1988, pp.269
27 Serlio, S., Hart, V., & Hicks, P. 1996, p. xx.
28 Hart, Vaughan. 1998, pp.179
29 Luscombe, Desley. 2005, pp.43
30 Ibid, pp.44
31 Serlio, S., Hart, V., & Hicks, P. 1996, pp. xxiii
32 Onians, J. 1988, pp.271
33 Luscombe, Desley. 2005, pp.38
34 Ibid, pp.45
35 Sontag, Susan; Sobre la fotografía. Edhasa, Barcelona, 1981, pp.33
36 Serlio, S., Hart, V., & Hicks, P. 1996, p. xxxi
37 Hart, Vaughan & Hicks, Peter. 1998, pp.56
38 Barthes, Roland; Lo obvio y lo obtuso. Paidos, Barcelona, 1986, pp.35
39 Dondis, D. A.; La sintaxis de la imagen. GG, Barcelona, 2003, pp.23
40 Benjamin, Walter; Discursos Interrumpidos I. Taurus, Madrid, 1972, pp.20
41 Frampton, Kenneth; Impresiones de edificios. Arquitecturas editadas. Arquitectura Viva nº 12, 1990: 6
42 Barthes, Roland; La Torre Eiffel. Paidos, Barcelona, 2001, pp.92
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